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Yes, You Do Lose More Hair in the Winter: Here’s Why and What to Do About It

At Samuel Chapman Salon, we’re no strangers to the changing seasons and how they affect your hair. Many clients notice more strands of hair in their brushes or shower drains as the colder months set in, and they often wonder: Is it just me, or do I lose more hair in the winter? 

The answer is yes, and there’s a scientific reason for it.

But don’t worry—there are also simple steps you can take to manage and reduce winter hair shedding.

Why You Lose More Hair in the Winter

Seasonal hair shedding is a completely natural phenomenon. Studies have shown that people tend to lose more hair during the autumn and winter months, and here’s why:

  1. Protective Response to Summer Sun

    During the summer, our bodies hold onto more hair to protect the scalp from UV radiation. As the sun becomes less intense in the winter, that protective mechanism isn’t needed as much, leading to more shedding.

  2. Dry, Cold Air

    Winter air tends to be drier, which can lead to dryness in both your hair and scalp. A dry scalp can cause irritation and flakiness, leading to more hair loss. Combine that with indoor heating, and your hair is subjected to constant moisture loss.

  3. Reduced Blood Circulation

    Colder temperatures can constrict blood vessels, leading to reduced circulation in the scalp. When your scalp doesn’t get enough nutrients from good circulation, it can weaken the hair follicles, causing more shedding than usual.

What You Can Do About Winter Hair Loss

Now that you know why you might lose more hair during the winter, let’s talk about what you can do to keep your hair healthy and minimise shedding.

1. Hydrate Your Hair and Scalp

The best way to combat the dry winter air is by keeping your hair and scalp well-hydrated. Use moisturising shampoos and conditioners that focus on hydration and nourishment. You can also introduce a weekly deep conditioning treatment to lock in moisture and protect your hair from the harsh elements.

2. Scalp Massages

Since colder weather can reduce blood circulation, stimulating your scalp is key to keeping your hair healthy. A daily or weekly scalp massage can increase blood flow to the hair follicles, providing them with the nutrients they need to stay strong. Plus, it’s a relaxing way to pamper yourself during those long, cold nights!

3. Use Heat Styling Tools Sparingly

When it’s cold outside, it’s tempting to blow dry your hair more often. But overusing heat styling tools can contribute to hair breakage and dryness, leading to more shedding. Try to air-dry your hair whenever possible, and when you do use a blow dryer or straightener, make sure to apply a heat protectant to minimise damage.

4. Eat Hair-Healthy Foods

Your diet plays a huge role in the health of your hair. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds), vitamin E (such as almonds and spinach), and biotin (found in eggs, sweet potatoes, and nuts) can help keep your hair strong and reduce seasonal shedding. Drinking plenty of water is also key to keeping your scalp hydrated from within.

5. Protect Your Hair from the Elements

Wearing a hat or scarf in winter can help shield your hair from the drying effects of cold air and wind. However, make sure the material is gentle on your hair—opt for soft fabrics like silk or satin that won’t cause friction and breakage. You can also apply a leave-in conditioner or hair oil before heading outside to add an extra layer of protection.

When to Seek Professional Advice

While shedding a bit more hair during the winter is normal, if you notice excessive hair loss or thinning patches, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor. There could be underlying factors like stress, hormonal imbalances, or nutritional deficiencies that contribute to the problem.

Final Thoughts

Losing more hair in the winter is common, but you don’t have to simply accept it. With a few changes to your hair care routine and some attention to your scalp’s health, you can reduce the amount of hair you shed and keep your locks looking gorgeous all season long.

Need personalised advice or a hair rescue treatment?

Book an appointment with Samuel Chapman Salon today, and let’s make sure your hair stays fabulous—whatever the season.

Call 01273 323597


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